Head of the Tent (Pg. 45): He was a German, with an assassin's face, fleshy lips, paw like hands, and so fat he can't hardly move.
Juliek: a bespectacled Pole with a cynical smile, pale skinned
Franek: a Pole and foreman, a former student from Warsaw
Idek: the kapo, has random fits of rage
In which camp does Chapter Four begin?
In Buna,
Which unit was not to be chosen at the newest camp?
The labor unit.
What job did Elie end up receiving?
Working in a warehouse for electrical equipment.
Why is Elie whipped in the warehouse?
He caught Idek with a Polish girl and was punished for "leaving his work" but it was really just the fact that his curiosity made him accidentally discover the Kapo
List the victims who were hung, if not by name then by stature.
A youth for Warsaw (a prisoner), a pipel ( a child with a refined and beautiful face) and two more prisoner (unnamed).
“Evoking the calm waters of Jordan and the majestic sanctity of Jerusalem.” (Pg. 48):
Hearing the chants was soothing to the Elie because it remind him of when he was home, studying his faith like many young boys his age, rather then being locked and murdered in these camps.
*hands like a wolf's paw
*he leapt on me, like a wild animal
*his voice was calm and reached me as through a thick wall
The Soup (Pg. 60/Pg. 62):
The soup is to represent their hope and lives at the camp. One night it tasted great, because that day they had seen a brave young man dead with pride, but the next, it tasted of death because the had seen two men died and a young boy suffer to meet his death, killing their hope along with it.
Minimum 4-5 Sentences
At the end of the chapter, explain the quote: “Where is He? Here He is—He is hanging here on this gallows…”
Elie is basically saying that in his mind, God is dead. He has not listen to a single pray they have said and if He has hear their pleas, he doesn't care. So in both metaphorically, being that he now hates him and he refuses to willing except his existence, and theoretically, The Eternal has seen all but done nothing so he must not be there anymore.
Akiba Drummer: His eyes became glazed, he told of everyone of his weakness, and because of his destroyed morales he didn't pass the selection and was sent to the crematory.
What time of year is it?
It is the end of summer.
What holidays are the prisoners celebrating?
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur, a time of fasting.
What is “selection”?
The men were going to be examined, to see if they were still in good enough physical condition to continue their work, but if not, they were to be sent to the crematories.
Why does Elie hate the bell?
They regulated everything, "it gave me an order, and i automatically obeyed it."
What might the bell be a symbol for?
The bells might be a symbol of his freedom no long existing. He can't do as he once did, he must follow the schedule of the inanimate chimes or be willing face death.
What two things does Elie’s Father give to him before going to the “Decisive Selection”?
A knife and a spoon. The inheritance.
Rosh Hashanah (Pg. 63): the last day of the Jewish year. Elie doesn't like the word "last" anymore because he doesn't know if it will soon be his last day alive.
Sodom (Pg. 64): a man that had lost a lot of his faith in god and his entire world was punished for it. Trying to relate the Jews situation with another from the Bible.
Yom Kippur (Pg. 65): The Day of Antonement. On this day they're religious mandated to fast, but in the situation they are in, many debate if it is wise or not to stop eating when they have so little too begin with.
Red Army (Pg. 76): The Russian Army, the people who the Jews think will help rescue them from the camp.
“I’ve got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He’s the only one who’s kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people.” (Pg. 77): Elie's hospital neighbor says this meaning that a lot of "prophets" have told false truth, giving them hope to only be crushed later. But Hilter was not lied in his attempt to kill every Jewish citizen.
*not the shadow of an emotion
*from the crucible of death, from the center of hell
*run as if the devil were after you
IRONY: explain why the statements are ironic and what type of irony it is.
“I head people wishing one another a Happy New Year!” (Pg. 65): This would be a dramatic irony because the reader know how this terrible time in history ends but these people don't. The fact the they are using the word "happy" in such a terrible place in ironic because there is nothing happy about anything going on.
Minimum 4-5 Sentences
Discuss the quote and what is means for Elie’s faith: “Blessed art Thou, Eternal, Master of the Universe…to be butchered on Thine altar.” (Pg. 64) This is basically Elie saying why should he pray to a god that has let his family, friends, and other members of his faith all sit here and be murdered? In his eyes, if he is the "Master of the Universe" why can't he stop this from continuing and save his worshipers. Anyone put in Elie's place would start to question his religion, but sadly, Elie no longer questions it but is completely against it. He no longer believe in Him and silently rebels against traditions a old as civilization.
EXTRA CREDIT: Should the Jewish people fast for their holiday? Why or why not?
It is tradition and as much as I do believe you should follow them, in this case, their lives are hold dangling on a string. They get so little food to begin with and not taking the small amount would definitely weaken them farther and many would not be able to pass another selection. So no, they shouldn't fast, but try and conserve they energy but continuing to eat.
Awesome job! Both of these assignments got full credit and a bit extra for the extra credit questions! Keep it up!