Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pages 80-90
Guy goes to Faber, the old english professor's, house and demands to speak with him. Skeptical at first the old man was timid when letting the confused firemen into his home. Guy showed him the Bible and Faber looked at the book in awe. Fable tells Guy about the three things needed for books to matter again.
Number one; quality of information
number two; leisure to digest it
number three; the right to carry out the actions based on what we learn from the interaction of the first two
After this they discuss about finding a printer to make copies of the books, planting them in other firemen's homes to create suspicion.
The importance of these pages is we see how there are many others who want the same as Guy, to get books back and the lengths that the two man alone are willing to go for this cause. Acts of rebellion is started to form in their minds.

Figurative language:
"They show the pores of the face of life"

dentifrice -  a paste or power for cleaning teeth

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