Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Chapters 17 and 18

Folks from all over Maycomb and neighboring town came to see the trial, women were all dressed up and men in a similar attire. When the trial started, white people entered first with the colored following after, but since Jem and Scout and Dill weren't supposed to be there, they walked in with the colored. The first to testify was the sheriff, the Robert Ewells, and then Mayella Ewells. All of their stories seems to contain a lot of umms, and hesitations, and Atticus know how to exploit their undecided stories.

Jem, Scout, Atticus, Heck Tate, Robert Ewells, Mayella Ewells, Judge, Mr Gilmery, and Tom Robinson


Theme: appearance vs reality, how the Ewells appear to be innocent but in reality they aren't

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