Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Chapters 30 and 31 (end of the book!)

 Everyone is made to leave Jem's room and they all go to the front porch. Scout leads Boo outside, thinking how much this resembled her fantasies of meeting him. On the porch, Atticus and the sheriff have a long and slightly aggressive discuss about whether or not Jem killed Bob with the knife. Atticus believes he did and doesn't want this to hang over his head for the rest of his life and the sheriff believes that Bob fell on the knife and killed himself. After the sheriff made his final argument, told Atticus it was his discussion to take it to court, said goodnight, and drove away. Scout tried to comfort her father, and then Atticus thanked Boo.
Boo uncomfortable rose from his seat and coughed so violently that he had to sit back down. Scout told him he wanted to say good night to Jem he could. She led him upstairs and into Jem's room. She told him he could pet his head, so he did gently. After they left the room, Boo asked in a whisper if Scout could walk him home, so she did, but after he closed the door, she never saw him again. She stood on his porch and remembered everything that happened on that street over the course of three years. She walked home to find Atticus still in Jem's room with him reading. Scout asks to sits like him and asked for Atticus to read. Shortly after Atticus starts reading she falls asleep. Finally he puts her to bed while she babbles about what she "heard". She know Atticus would stay with Jem until morning, when he would wake up.

Scout, Atticus, Heck Tate, Dr Reynold

Falling action/ Resolution

Theme: Don't Judge Someone Until You've Walked Around In Their Skin

Chapters 28 and 29

As Jem and Scout walked to the high school for the pageant, it was pitch black and Cecil Jacob jumped out and frighten the two of them. Before the performance, Cecil and Scout wondered around, playing games, until Ms Meriweather called them to the stage. Everything went fine but Scout fell asleep to her lecture to the audience and was late for her entrance. She was mad and claimed Scout ruined the performance, Jem told her that it was fine and added some humor to it.
After the pageant, the two were walked back home through the school year when Scout realizes she forgot her shoes, Jem said they could go get them tomorrow. Then they heard a noise following them in the dark. Shortly the two were jumped by a man who fight and pulled Jem to the ground, breaking his arm and knocking him unconscious.  Then the man grabbed Scout, trying to crush her to death. Another mysterious figure comes to aid of the two children. After the fight was over, the figure carried Jem home and Scout ran barefoot to the house. The doctor and sheriff was called. Jem was examined and after the doctor left, the sheriff explained to Atticus that Bob Ewell was the one who attacked his kids, and that he had been killed in the fight with a kitchen knife to the chest. Scout explained everything she could remember and realized who saved both her and Jem.... reclusive Boo Radley had saved their lives and was standing in the room with them all.

Atticus, Heck Tate, Jem, Scout, Aunt Alexandria, and Doctor Reynold

Falling Action

Theme: Duty to ones neighbors, Boo risks his own life to save Scout and Jem

Chapters 26 and 27

Fall is coming and its time for Scout and Jem to go back to school. Being in different grades, Scout now has to walk home everyday by herself, and still wonders (not as much as before) about the old Radley place. When she asked Atticus about it again, he quickly dismissed the thought and told her to leave there alone, she didn't mention it anymore. At school, the children were learning about current events in the news, and the topic of Hilter and Jews came up. Her teacher became very aggravative talking about the subject, and one child asked if they're WHITE. When Scout tried to talk to Jem about it, comparing it to Tom's case, he leaped up and threatened her. She went to Atticus who told her not to worry about her brother, everything was fine.
Even after they won the trail, Bob Ewell still has a grudge against everyone there. He started to threaten and torment Tom's wife, Helen, until her new employer (Tom's old one) told Bob to stay away or he will call the cops, then Bob started pestering Judge Taylor. Aside from the Ewell drama going on, Halloween was coming and Scouts teacher is making her be in the pageant they are putting on (she has to be a ham). Reluctantly, Jem is forced to take her that night to the high school where it is being put on.

Atticus, Jem, Scout, Ms Meriweather, Bob, Link Deas, and Aunt Alexandria

falling action

Allusion: the oppression of the Jews is similar to the oppression of Black people in the south. only difference between the situation is the degree of cruelty and skin color.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Chapter 25

As Scout tried to kill a bug, Jem wouldn't let her because it didn't do anything to her, she obliged to the request figuring it was just another one of his phases. Then she thought of Dill, and the story he told her of what happen when Atticus and Calpurnia went and told Helen Robinson of her husband death. Tom's death was the talk of the town for two days, even Mr Underwood wrote in his paper about it. As the gossip slowed, Jem over heard a rumor from Miss Stephanie about Mr Ewell saying "one down and about two more to go", referring to one of the two as Atticus. Jem told Scout but threatened if she told their father, he would never speak to her again.

Jem and Scout

Symbol: Scout wanting to randomly kill an innocent bug, is like the men wanting to kill innocent Tom Robinson. Also when Mr. Underwood writes the poetic entry about Tom's death and comparing it to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children (the mockingbird)

Chapters 23 and 24

The children were very concerned about Atticus about the threats he received from Robert Ewell, they suggested he carry a gun or some form of protection, but Atticus refused the notion. Robert was "just venting" and if he choice to beat up him over hitting Mayella, then that was fine by Atticus. Jem is still confused about the trial and why it ended the way it did, Tom was supposed to by freed, his father was so close to winning. Atticus tried to comfort him by saying that nothing was going to be done with Tom until later in the year, after to goes to the state court. Also that one person didn't find him guilty, a Cunningham. Scout finally started to understand something about Boo Radley, that he WANTS to stay inside, away from the prejudice and everything.
In now September, and Dill leaves tomorrow, so Jem decided it was time for him to learn how to swim. But since they would be swimming naked, Scout had to stay home. She instead spent time and the Missionary Society meeting with numerous other women around the neighborhood. At the get-to-together, Atticus comes home early, requesting Calpurnia in the kitchen. Tom was dead. He "tried to escape" to prison and after being shouted out to stop, the guards shot him seventeen times. Atticus wanted Calpurnia to go with him to tell Helen (Tom's wife) of the news. Aunt Alexandra, Miss Maudie, and Scout all hear everything and after a brief moment of silence and recovery, they returned to the party as if nothing had happened, no terrible news was told.

Atticus, Scout, Jem, Maudie, Alexandra, Stephanie, Mrs. Merriweather and Mrs. Farrow

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Chapters 21 and 22

Calpurnia came to the court house looking for Mr. Finch, she took him the children were;t home yet and Alexandria was getting very worried. Atticus walked to the balcony where Scout, Jem and Dill were and demanded they go home, if not for the rest of the trial, just to eat supper then they could return. Alexandria wasn't happy about this when the children got home and told her their plans of returning (most people didn't like the Scout, a young girl, was at the trial to begin with). When the group returned, nothing have changed much, the jury was still in session and the judge, lawyers, and defendant were out of the room as well. When everyone returned and the court was back in order, the jury gave their verdict. Tom Robinson was appointed guilty. Atticus left right after and didn't look back, Jem took this trial harder than even Atticus did. The next morning the family came to breakfast and saw a mountain of food on the table, all gifts and thanks from the colored members of the community. This made Atticus tear up and he explained he never wanted this to happen again (receiving these gifts in a difficult time). The children went outside and talked with Miss Maudie about everything that had happened yesterday, and as they walked away, Miss Stephanie was over enthusiastic to tell Scout and Jem the news of Robert Ewells spitting in their father's face and saying he would get him if its the last thing he does.

Atticus, Tom Robinson, Scout, Dill, Jem, Reverend Sykpes, Mr Gilmer, Judge Taylor, Calpurnia, Aunt Alexandria, Miss Maudie, Miss Rachel, Miss Stephanie

Theme: Duty to ones neighbor, how Atticus tried his hardest to prove Tom's innocence, and the gifts Tom's family and other members of the colored community gave Atticus after the whole thing was over

Symbol: when the mockingbirds were singing in February, referring to the ominous silence of the court house waiting for the verdict of the jury

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Chapters 17 and 18

Folks from all over Maycomb and neighboring town came to see the trial, women were all dressed up and men in a similar attire. When the trial started, white people entered first with the colored following after, but since Jem and Scout and Dill weren't supposed to be there, they walked in with the colored. The first to testify was the sheriff, the Robert Ewells, and then Mayella Ewells. All of their stories seems to contain a lot of umms, and hesitations, and Atticus know how to exploit their undecided stories.

Jem, Scout, Atticus, Heck Tate, Robert Ewells, Mayella Ewells, Judge, Mr Gilmery, and Tom Robinson


Theme: appearance vs reality, how the Ewells appear to be innocent but in reality they aren't